Predicted Robustness as QoS for Deep Neural Network Models

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:willian_tang
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The adoption of deep neural network (DNN) model as the integral part of real-world software systems necessitates explicit consideration of their quality-of-service (QoS).It is well-known that DNN models are prone to adversarial attacks,and thus it is vitally important to be aware of how robust a model's prediction is for a given input instance.A fragile prediction,even with high confidence,is not trustworthy in light of the possibility of adversarial attacks.We propose that DNN models should produce a robustness value as an additional QoS indicator,along with the confidence value,for each prediction they make.Existing approaches for robustness computation are based on adversarial searching,which are usually too expensive to be excised in real time.In this paper,we propose to predict,rather than to compute,the robustness measure for each input instance.Specifically,our approach inspects the output of the neurons of the target model and trains another DNN model to predict the robustness.We focus on convolutional neural network (CNN) models in the current research.Experiments show that our approach is accurate,with only 10%-34% additional errors compared with the offline heavy-weight robustness analysis.It also significantly outperforms some alternative methods.We further validate the effectiveness of the approach when it is applied to detect adversarial attacks and out-of-distribution input.Our approach demonstrates a better performance than,or at least is comparable to,the state-of-the-art techniques.
宁雷明是个外向性格的人,也就是那种喜怒哀乐都写在脸上的那类人,不会多藏一个心眼儿。他说自己不帅,属于扔人堆里绝对没人看第二眼的人,除非在超市忘了结账。当初从公务员的位置来到中石油的时候,家人都不同意,而他却想换个环境,“做公务员很累,现在还记得小说《国画》里有一句话,说是‘机关大楼的门像一张巨大的嘴,不停地吞着人们。年轻人从这门里进进出出,最后变成老人退休了之’,看了之后,不寒而栗。”  中俄原油