必须坚持“两手抓、两手都要硬”的方针 ,这已成为共识。但在实际工作中 ,“一手硬、一手软”的问题并没有得到很好地解决。其原因就在于一些人对这一方针的认识上还存有种种误区 :有的认为抓物质文明建设是经济部门的事 ,抓精神文明建设是思想政治部门的事 ;有的认为物质文明?
We must uphold the principle of “grasping both hands and both hands being hard” and this has become the consensus. However, in practical work, the problem of “one-handedness and one-handedness” has not been well resolved. The reason lies in that some people still have misunderstandings about this guideline. Some people think that to grasp the building of a material civilization is a matter of the economic departments and that the construction of spiritual civilization is a matter of the ideological and political departments. Some think that the material civilization?