With the development of Internet, Electronic Commerce is booming all over the world and has been greatly used in manycountries. Now, E-Commerce extends its antenna to all aspects of the society, and it has affected the field of international trade greatly.Application of Electronic-Commerce in field of international trade would provide the competitive superiority over traditional trade such aslower sales and marketing costs, more business partners to be reached, increased business efficiency, enhanced customer service, reductions ininventories, marketing globalization and trading verification, etc. After entry into WTO, there are many opportunities and challenges toChina’s international trade. A key issue exists for china to keep up with developed countries in the 21 St Centuries-whether China candevelop its international trade with the technologies of international E-commerce.
With the development of Internet, Electronic Commerce is booming all over the world and has been used significantly in manycountries. Now, E-Commerce extends its antenna to all aspects of the society, and it has affected the field of international trade. Electronic-Commerce in field of international trade would provide the competitive superiority over traditional trade such aslower sales and marketing costs, more business partners to be reached, increased business efficiency, enhanced customer service, reductions ininventories, marketing globalization and trading verification, etc. A key issue exists for china to keep up with developed countries in the 21 St Centuries-whether China can develop its international trade with the technologies of international E-commerce.