E-commerce in China Currently

来源 :时代教育(教育教学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huahongtao
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With the development of Internet, Electronic Commerce is booming all over the world and has been greatly used in manycountries. Now, E-Commerce extends its antenna to all aspects of the society, and it has affected the field of international trade greatly.Application of Electronic-Commerce in field of international trade would provide the competitive superiority over traditional trade such aslower sales and marketing costs, more business partners to be reached, increased business efficiency, enhanced customer service, reductions ininventories, marketing globalization and trading verification, etc. After entry into WTO, there are many opportunities and challenges toChina’s international trade. A key issue exists for china to keep up with developed countries in the 21 St Centuries-whether China candevelop its international trade with the technologies of international E-commerce. With the development of Internet, Electronic Commerce is booming all over the world and has been used significantly in manycountries. Now, E-Commerce extends its antenna to all aspects of the society, and it has affected the field of international trade. Electronic-Commerce in field of international trade would provide the competitive superiority over traditional trade such aslower sales and marketing costs, more business partners to be reached, increased business efficiency, enhanced customer service, reductions ininventories, marketing globalization and trading verification, etc. A key issue exists for china to keep up with developed countries in the 21 St Centuries-whether China can develop its international trade with the technologies of international E-commerce.
她一步一个脚印,用三十个春秋的身心修塑,完成了从初出茅庐到医学大家的凤凰涅槃。一天一点进步,她坚持学习、潜心修炼,完成了从科研人员“僭越”成眼科科学家的华丽转身。  医德若水,滋身润心。杨柳大夫在北大医院工作近三十载,总是将心比心地做人,身先士卒地做事,兢兢业业地做学问,经过职业的历练和精神的修行,她成长为一位品高行正、意志坚韧、追求执着的医者。在病人眼里,她是光明使者,是杨柳春风。  在肃静、明
从理论上讲,蔬菜沙拉是个好东西,但我们在实际生活中吃到的蔬菜沙拉并不一定真的有益健康。  食物为人类提供的营养大致可以分为两大类,一类叫做宏量营养,另一类叫做微量营养。宏量营养指的是人类需求量很大的营养成分,主要包括蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物这3大类。因为需求量太大,生产力低下的古代人类经常无法摄取到足够多的宏量营养,也就是俗称的吃不饱肚子。随着科技水平的提高,今天的人类基本上解决了这个问题,生产的