|同志们! 一九五九年我国社会主义建设事业,在党的建设社会主义总路线的光辉照耀下,在一九五八年大跃进的基础上,又继续取得了新的、更伟大的胜利,实现了更好更全面的大跃进.我们建筑工程部各个方面的工作,也和全国其他各个战线的工作一样,在党中央和毛主席的英明领导下,经过全体职工一致的努力,和苏联及其他兄弟国家专家的帮助,无论在建筑安装、勘察设计、建筑材料和非金属矿、城市建设、科学研究、学校教育等各个方面,都超额完成了全年的计划,取得了巨大的成绩,积累了丰富的经验.现在,部党组指定我谈一谈一九五九年建筑材料和非金属矿工业这个方面的工作总结和一九六○年的工作任务,供同志们参考.有不妥当的地方,请同志们指正. (一)
Comrades, China’s socialist construction in 1959 continued to score new and greater victories on the basis of the great leap forward of the Communist Party in 1958 under the glorious light of the party’s overall socialist line of construction. Achieving a better and more comprehensive Great Leap Forward. Our work in all aspects of the Ministry of Construction and Engineering, as well as the work of other fronts across the country, is under the wise leadership of the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao, through the concerted efforts of all workers, and the Soviet Union. With the help of other fraternal country experts, all projects in the areas of construction and installation, survey and design, construction materials and non-metallic minerals, urban construction, scientific research, and school education have all exceeded their annual plans and achieved tremendous results. Accumulated a wealth of experience. Now, the ministry group appointed me to talk about the work summary of the construction materials and non-metal minerals industry in 1959 and the tasks of 1960 for reference by comrades. The place, please correct me. (a)