易于隐藏的手枪是人们自卫防身的首选武器。不过,何谓易于隐藏,10个人会有10种理解。如果以小于制式军用手枪来界定的话,则美国北美军械公司的NAA微型转轮手枪堪称为其中最小的了。枪体小巧玲珑自成一族 NAA微型转枪手枪并不是手枪王国的新公民,它已自成一族,尽管这个家族的声名还不够显赫。在这个家族中,小巧玲珑的短型朴实敦厚,枪管长仅为28.6毫米;苗条的长型却胸怀博大,它的弹膛能客纳5.58毫米长的步枪弹;外表奇特的“标准打靶”型带有一瞄准肋条,仿佛在时刻地展示着它
Easy to hide the pistol is the preferred weapon for self-defense. However, what is easy to hide, 10 individuals will have 10 kinds of understanding. NAA miniature rotary pistols of the North American ordnance company were the smallest of them if defined by a smaller than standard military pistol. Small and exquisite gun body NAA mini gun pistol is not a new citizen of the pistol kingdom, it has its own family, although the family’s reputation is not prominent enough. In this family, small and exquisite short simple and honest, the barrel length is only 28.6 mm; slender long but boastful, its barrel can accommodate 5.58 mm long rifle; appearance of the strange “standard shooting” type With aiming at the ribs, as if in a moment to show it