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资本是经济繁荣的推动力,中外资本市场发展的历程告诉我们,企业诚信、遵纪守法,投资者就充满信心,不论是美国的SOX法案,还是日本的J-SOX,抑或中国将全面执行的C-SOX,都说明资本市场需要保持一泓清泉,拥有持续保质的价值和信念。弄潮于资本市场的企业要想做到基业常青,建立完善的内部控制体系为其保驾护航尤为关键。内部控制工作的意义在于通过内控体制来实现企业对风险的管控,同时实现企业价值的最大化。内控体制如果能有效发挥作用,就能够增强企业的抗风险能力,提升企业管理水平,确保企业健康平稳发展。内部控制是一个运动的、变化的过程,既要关注内部控制设计本身,又要关注具体执行环节。美国上市企业的内部控制是从SOX404关注的财务控制向全业务过程、战略及全面的风险管理方向延伸的过程,笔者将以此为理论基础,主要从控制环境、风险评估、控制活动、信息与沟通、监督这五大要素来阐述如何进行内部控制建设。 Capital is the driving force of economic prosperity. The course of the development of Chinese and foreign capital markets tells us that investors are full of confidence in honesty and compliance. Whether the U.S. SOX Act or Japan’s J-SOX or China will fully implement C-SOX, all illustrate the capital market needs to maintain a clear spring, with the value and beliefs of sustained durability. Enterprises seeking to capitalize on the capital market are especially important if they want to achieve evergreen business and establish a sound internal control system. The significance of internal control lies in the fact that the internal control system enables enterprises to control their risks while maximizing the value of their businesses. If the internal control system can effectively play a role, it can enhance the anti-risk ability of enterprises, improve the management level of enterprises and ensure the healthy and stable development of enterprises. Internal control is a movement, the process of change, we must pay attention to the design of internal control itself, but also concerned about the specific implementation. The internal control of listed companies in the United States is the process extending from the focus of SOX404 financial control on the whole business process, strategy and comprehensive risk management. Based on this, the author will take the theoretical basis, mainly from the aspects of control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and Communication and supervision of these five elements to illustrate how to carry out the construction of internal control.
44个资源枯竭城市的发展战略更多的应当重视生态环境建设和社会经济可持续发展,根据国务院的要求,明确自身优势,制定发展战略,提升城市综合竞争力,同时将资源考核纳入政绩考核的体系中来。    一、政策助力资源枯竭型城市    2001年国务院确定阜新为第一个资源型城市经济转型试点市,2005年国务院振兴东北等老工业基地领导小组第二次会议将黑龙江伊春、大庆,吉林辽源确定为资源型城市转型试点,2006年吉
2016年12月底,拱墅区召开了区第七次党代会,确定了今后五年的发展目标,就是要深入实施“深耕南部、决战北部、文化引领、产业立区”四大战略,全力打造开放包容活力之区、产业转型样板之区、现代都市魅力之区、江南水乡秀美之区、和谐安定幸福之区,把拱墅现代化建设全面推向新阶段,努力建成运河沿岸名区。着眼五年,立足当前,2017年,我们将全力做好以下九方面工作:  全力推进十大产业平台建设。围绕杭州市打造沿