被京郊农民瞩目的“巨丰”大豆种子案,终于以被告向原告(购种人)做出赔偿而告结束。 (一) 近年来,市场上商品大豆需求增加,价格持续上扬,激发了农民种植大豆的积极性。与此同时,一些宣传可亩产八百、千斤的“超高产”大豆品种的广告也大量出现。1993年12月到次年4月,北京三农综合服务公司在《农民日报》上5次发布了一则醒目的
The “Jufeng” soybean seed case, which was noticed by peasants in the suburbs of Beijing, ended with the defendant’s compensation to the plaintiff (buyer). (I) In recent years, the demand for soybean on the market has increased, and the prices have continued to rise, stimulating the enthusiasm of farmers in planting soybeans. In the meantime, some advertisements for the “super-high-yield” soybean varieties that have been propagated for 800 or 800 mu have also appeared in large numbers. From December 1993 to April of the following year, Beijing Sannong Integrated Services Company released a striking