各地山区的自然条件和资源状况千差万别,各具优势。因此,在调整农村产业结构中,一定要坚持实事求是的思想路线,因地制宜地开发本地经济,重视发展山区的名特产品,切忌“一刀切”,防止搞形式主义。 本期刊登的这几篇报道再次说明,合理开发和利用本地资源,是山区致富的重要途径。
The natural conditions and resources of mountain areas all over the world vary widely and each has its own advantages. Therefore, in the adjustment of rural industrial structure, we must adhere to the ideological line of seeking truth from facts, develop the local economy according to local conditions and attach importance to the development of famous and special products in the mountainous areas. We should not “omit” and prevent formalism. The articles published in this issue once again show that the rational development and utilization of local resources is an important way for mountain areas to get rich.