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  When we lived in England, every week we watched a television show called Wanted Down Under. “Down Under” is a name sometimes used for Australia because Australia is on the bottom side of the globe. In the show, a British family was given the chance to visit Australia to live in a house there, work in a job and do nice things, such as meet people for a barbeque1 or go to the beach. On cold dark evenings we sat in our small lounge2 in front of our television, watching families trying a life in the warm sunshine of the big open spaces of Australia.
  At the end of the show, the members of the family had to vote on whether they wanted to move to Australia or not. We would cheer when they voted yes.
  We worked long hours to afford to live in our small house. It was a terraced house3, which means that it was joined to others—typical of England. It had a small living area and kitchen downstairs and three small bedrooms upstairs; the standard design of a house in England.
  Life in England was busy. We each travelled about 50 minutes to get to work. The problem was not so much the distances the traffic. A great many people live on that very small island.
  What we did enjoy was our holidays in England. We loved the history. Visiting castles, palaces, museums and historical sites, whether from ancient days or the industrial revolution, was interesting and kept us busy. We worried that, if we moved to Australia, the vast open spaces of the country and the lack of history might be boring. In England you go from town to town in minutes; in Australia towns can be separated by hundreds of kilometers.
  Eventually we decided we’d had enough of short, cold, wet days and small poky houses.4 The crowds and queues of people were too much. We were going to Australia. We, like many other families on Wanted Down Under, were voting yes!
  Immigration5 to Australia is a long process, and expensive. The key is that you need the right qualifications6 and work experience. It was great excitement when we were accepted. When we finally arrived, and flew over the city of Perth7, I looked outside the airplane window. I saw the bright sunshine. I saw the houses and many swimming pools below. There was a great deal of forest and countryside too. The city followed the ocean side, but seemed small compared to the open space around it. The ocean was shining blue. It felt right. It felt like home.
  When the words, “Welcome to Australia” were spoken to me by a smiling Australian customs officer, I nearly burst into tears.8 I felt happy. This was my first experience of the warmth and friendship of most Australians.   When you first move to a new country, there is a great deal of change. You might also change jobs and houses while you find what is right for you.
  After a short time, I found a great job teaching. It wasn’t too far from home; about a 10-minute drive. We bought our first house in Australia after we managed to sell our house in England. It cost almost the same, but the salaries are much higher in Australia than in England. Also, the house was at least three times the size with four bedrooms, two bathrooms and two large living rooms. Also, it was on a large block9 of land with fruit trees and of course a large swimming pool—and only five minutes from the beach. What amazed us was that a school teacher could live like this; in England this would be the lifestyle of a very rich person.10
  The biggest change for us was the lifestyle. In Australia, people love to be outside. They like to play sport, swim, camp, drive their vehicles up the beach, boat, catch fish and barbeque with friends. In England we did something different almost every holiday. In fact, we lived for those holidays. In Australia, we do more of the same things but we do them more often. Rather than living for holidays, we now enjoy every day as we just step outside into the garden and swim in the pool, or go walk by the seaside. There is so much space, and parking is no problem where I live. I love to watch the sunset over the water on a quiet beach. It’s so easy. Of course different people have different experiences when they move from one country to another. I love my life in Australia, but am very grateful to have lived in both countries.
  1. barbeque: 烧烤野餐。
  2. lounge: 起居室。
  3. terraced house: 排屋,连栋房屋。
  4. 最终我们做了决定,因为我们已经受够了短暂、寒冷又潮湿的天气和小而不适的房子。have had enough of...: 已受够(某人或某事);poky: 狭小而不舒适的。
  5. immigration: 移居,移民。
  6. qualification: 资格证明。
  7. Perth: 珀斯,澳大利亚第四大城市。
  8. customs officer: 海关官员;burst into tears: 突然大哭。
  9. block: 一片土地。
  10. 在这里,一名教师竟能享用那些在英国的富人们才能拥有的那种房子,这实在令我们惊讶。
17.2 子曰:“生相近也,习相远也。”  17.3 子曰:“唯上知与下愚不移”  17.4 子之武城,闻弦歌之声。夫子莞尔而笑,曰:“割鸡焉用牛刀?”
Shakespeare and Company was only part bookshop; it was also part library, part youth hostel and part cultural shrine. As Anas Nin1 recorded in her Paris diaries of the 1950s: “And there by the Seine w
波塔西第二次来到四川救灾援助,汶川地震已经过去了半个多月。这里的每个人似乎都在找一架“消失的飞机”。  这场搜救行动的规模庞大到不能想象,已经有不下一两万官兵的地面力量、几十架直升机持续在川北密林间搜索多天,依旧毫无收获。不少民间搜救力量也加入其中。有人猜测,“我们”找到的可能性很小。  来自法国的让?波塔西(Jean Bottazzi)个子不高,身形消瘦,在外人看来,就是充满好奇心的外国人。他一
Jaehyuk LimEX運动相机的概念就是要为自行车骑手提供最新的解决方案,帮助他们把两轮上的探险之路都原原本本地记录下来。平衡环的设计让它可以毫不费力地固定到车把上,垫片和减震装置确保在颠簸路面骑行时的稳定性和设备的安全。即便是在骑行时,用户也可以在任何时间调整镜头的角度,不管是从哪个方向骑来,都可以捕捉到最美的瞬间。它一开始的卖点并不是外表的复古风,但是这的确很吸引我!那强健的、向后倾斜的机
独自上路的大多数时候,这个世界是善良的,那些微笑、关爱与援助之手,总会让心底泛起温暖。独自上路能保持随性的节奏,不必在意协调与迁就。但独自上路,也得敏锐地避开那些阳光照不到的角落。装备安全    无论长达以月或年计的长途骑行,还是以周或天算的短途骑行,有些装备是骑行者们必需的,特别是爱美的女孩子们,我甚至可以负责任地告诉大家,按照此方法骑行多久都不会变黑。  头盔是最重要的部分,保护自己的生命安全
希腊文的构词成分是个硬功夫,一般读者或许都会感到头疼,因此最近几期我刻意放慢速度,并穿插一些软性的题材,谈谈文化方面的现象,以免我的专栏文章让人望而却步(daunting)。同时借此机会,让读者有了适度喘气的机会,并得以从另一个角度来认识英文。  不过现实终究得面对,不能有鸵鸟心态,因为难,就假装没看见,拒绝碰触。希腊文的构词成分我们已经完成了五讲,这一期是第六讲。依惯例,我们还是温故知新,先重点
在去芬蘭之前,这个遥远的北欧国度对我来说略显陌生,好像是存在于纳尼亚传奇中的纯净国度,仅有的印象就是寒冷的气候和坐着驯鹿雪橇满天飞的圣诞老人,甚至除了知道首都是赫尔辛基之外,都不知道还有什么其他的城市。然而当我终于来到这里的时候才发现,作为一枚非常怕冷却依然热爱滑雪的家伙,芬兰真的是冬季运动的天堂,只来一次绝对不过瘾……可爱芬兰人  其实,即使在来之前大致查阅了将要探访的拉普兰(Lapland),
那些狗狗教会我们的道理  法国东南部,一个叫作La Motte-dAveillans的小村庄里,一个名叫Ga?tan Ugnon-Fleury的热爱越野跑的年轻人,和他的两只爱犬Pépite和Jolyn,给我们示范了越野跑中最可靠的伴侣是什么样的。这个故事被南非的一家电影公司The African Attachment浓缩成了一部山地纪录片《狗狗伴我行Trail Dog》,用4分钟左右的唯美镜头和
2月17日下午,班夫中国在ISPO 2017北京亚洲用品与时尚展上召开了新闻发布会,回顾了其2016年的历程以及2017年即将展开的新动作。会上公布了2017年班夫山地电影节、国际海洋电影节和磐石影展的暂定排期,将为中国户外爱好者带来更多更好的各种户外影片,4月中旬开始,售票平台即开放预订。班夫中国创始人钱海英女士在本次发布会上提出了“Say No To Plastic(拒绝塑料)”計划,班夫中国