近几年,山西省祁县牛家堡村农民采用西瓜、红薯立体间作套种种植模式,通过精耕细作、精心管理,取得了较好的经济效益。平均每667m2土地产西瓜2 800kg,收入3 360元,产红薯2 200kg,收入3 520元,年总收入达6 880元。其主要栽培技术如下:1%种植模式以1.4m为一带,起垄种植,垄沟宽70cm,垄背宽70cm。垄沟内种植西瓜1行,株距50cm,667m2留苗1 000株左右。垄背上种植红薯1行,株距24cm,667m2
In recent years, farmers in Niujiapu Village, Qixian County, Shanxi Province, have used watermelon and sweet potato intercropping as interplanting models. Through intensive and meticulous management, they have achieved good economic returns. An average of 2,600 square meters of watermelon per 667m2 of land, income 3 360 yuan, 2 200 kg of sweet potato production, income 3 520 yuan, the total annual income of 6 880 yuan. Its main cultivation techniques are as follows: 1% planting mode to 1.4m for the area, ridge planting, furrow width 70cm, ridge width 70cm. Ditch planting watermelon line 1, spacing 50cm, 667m2 Liao Miao 1 000 or so. Ridge planting 1 row of sweet potato, plant spacing 24cm, 667m2