吉林省煤炭资源在所多有,虽远在清代早期就有开发,但其开发利用煤炭的历史却比内地一些产煤大省稍晚一些。 乾隆四十五年(1780年),吉林将军和隆武,鉴于“吉林通省生齿日繁,人口增多,山林柴薪多有供不敷用之事”,因而“柴价日昂,穷户未免困累”,向朝廷奏请开采缸窑一带的煤炭。然而,这一正当的请求,却被一批朝廷部臣所阻碍。他们认为这是“商贩牟利开采”,因而驳回呈请,不准许开采缸窑一带的煤炭。吉林明明有产煤山场,而且居民又急需煤炭以补柴薪之不足,朝廷却不予批准,真是不近情理。 三十年之后,富俊就任吉林将军。他是一
Jilin Province has many coal resources. Although it was developed in the early Qing Dynasty, its history of coal development and utilization was slightly later than that of some coal-producing provinces in the interior. During the forty-five years of Qianlong (1780), General Jilin and Longwu, given that “Jilin’s population was growing, the population increased, and the forestry firewood was overwhelming,” thus “the price of firewood was too high and poor.” The household was not tired and tired,“ he asked the court to mingle coal from the kilns. However, this legitimate request was hampered by a group of court officials. They think that this is ”trading by the traders for profit," and they reject the petition and do not permit the exploitation of coal in the vicinity of the cylinder kilns. Jilin Mingming has coal mines, and residents are in desperate need of coal to make up for the lack of firewood, but the court does not approve of it. This is really unreasonable. Thirty years later, Fu Jun served as General Jilin. He is one