【摘 要】
High-throughput satellites (HTSs) play an important role in future millimeter-wave (mmWave) aeronau-tical communication to meet high speed and broad bandwidth r
【机 构】
College of Telecommunications and Information Engineering,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommun
High-throughput satellites (HTSs) play an important role in future millimeter-wave (mmWave) aeronau-tical communication to meet high speed and broad bandwidth requirements. This paper investigates the outage performance of an aeronautical broadband satellite communication system's forward link, where the feeder link from the gateway to the HTS uses free-space optical (FSO) transmission and the user link from the HTS to aircraft operates at the mmWave band. In the user link, spot beam technology is exploited at the HTS and a massive antenna array is deployed at the aircraft. Wefirst present a location-based beamforming (BF) scheme to maximize the expected output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the forward link with the amplify-and-forward (AF) protocol, which turns out to be a phased array. Then, by supposing that the FSO feeder link follows Gamma-Gamma fading whereas the mmWave user link experiences shadowed Rician fading, we take the influence of the phase error into account, and derive the closed-form expression of the outage probability (OP) for the considered system. To gain further insight, a simple asymptotic OP expression at a high SNR is provided to show the diversity order and coding gain. Finally, numerical simulations are conducted to confirm the validity of the theoretical analysis and reveal the effects of phase errors on the system outage performance.
摘 要 桉树是一种在全球广泛分布的高大乔木,具有显著的药用、食用、经济等价值。在我国,桉树培育和栽种主要分布于南方地区,如广东、广西、云南、贵州和四川等地。桉树栽培要格外强调后期管理的重要性,尤其是加强技术性维护与防治。基于此,阐述了桉树栽培过程中后期管理的重要性,并据此提出了管理工作的策略及注意事项。 关键词 后期管理;桉树;除草;病虫害;施肥 中图分类号:S792.39 文献标志码:B D
Millimeter wave(mm Wave) has been claimed as the viable solution for high-bandwidth vehicular communications in 5 G and beyond. To realize applications in future vehicular communications, it is important to take a robust mm Wave vehicular network into con
摘 要 森林作为生态屏障,不仅关系到林业生态,也关系到社会发展、经济建设。加强林业生态系统建设,切实提升森林质量,打造生态绿色屏障,才能让群众安居乐业,也有助于经济建设与社会发展。基于此,针对林业生态系统构建、森林质量提升进行探讨,明确其当前存在的问题,分析构建林业生态系统提高森林质量的策略。 关键词 林业生态;森林质量;策略 中图分类号:S718.5 文献标志码:C DOI:10.19415
摘 要 森林是重要的物资,森林资源是生物生存的重要基础,因此要对森林资源进行合理管理,而森林调查是完善森林资源管理工作的基础。基于此,分析森林调查的内容及具体方式,并针对当前我国的实际情况提出推动森林调查及完善森林资源管理工作的具体措施。 关键词 森林调查;森林资源管理;完善措施 中图分类号:S757.2 文献标志码:A DOI:10.19415/j.cnki.1673-890x.2021.1
With the fast development of consumer-level RGB-D cameras, real-world indoor three-dimensional(3 D) scene modeling and robotic applications are gaining more attention. However, indoor 3 D scene modeling is still challenging because the structure of interi
摘 要 在我国,农业经济是国民经济的基础,而种植业是整个农业生产中的主要内容。通过对山东省烟台市福山区门楼镇绍瑞口村苹果种植由盛而衰的个案进行研究发现,当地苹果产业发展的影响因素包括果树老化、技术落后、市场竞争、新品种引入、基础性资源限制和政治大环境的改变等。在系统描述绍瑞口村苹果种植业兴衰变迁的基础上,探讨了应对传统种植村落衰败问题的基本思路。 关键词 苹果种植;传统种植村落;衰败因素;山东省
摘 要 目前,随着全球环境的不断恶化,人们的环保意识逐渐增强,各方均在为恢复生态系统作出努力。而修复生态体系和环境的一项重要举措即是植树造林,增加绿化面积。基于此,针对推进林业技术推广体系建设进行探讨,旨在促进该项目的发展,普及林业知识,宣传保护环境的重要性。 关键词 林业技术;推广体系建设;对策 中图分类号:F326.2 文献标志码:C DOI:10.19415/j.cnki.1673-89
摘 要 森林是促进健康生活的最佳地,是我国建设健康环境的核心基础。多年实践表明,发展森林旅游是践行“绿水青山就是金山银山”的最佳途径,也是我国建设生态文明、促进林业转型发展的重要举措。基于此,以广西国有高峰林场为例,探讨森林生态旅游产业发展对林业生态建设转型的助推作用。 关键词 高峰林场;森林旅游;林业生态建设 中图分类号:F592 文献标志码:A DOI:10.19415/j.cnki.16
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