一、前言 火焰温度的测量是一个难题,发光火焰温度分布的测量则更加困难。现有的各种测温方法都难以直接用来测量发光火焰的温度分布,故本文提出采用图象处理法测定发光火焰,特别是煤粉火焰的温度分布。火焰图象是工业燃烧宏观、整体过程的充分反映,也是控制燃烧的直接观察对象。通过对发光火焰图象信息的分析、处理和计算可获取其温度和温度分布,进而可求得反映燃烧状态的其他特征。
I. Introduction The measurement of the flame temperature is a challenge, and the measurement of the temperature distribution of the luminous flame is more difficult. The existing temperature measurement methods are difficult to measure directly the temperature distribution of the luminous flame. Therefore, the temperature distribution of the luminous flame, especially the pulverized coal flame, is determined by the image processing method. Flame image is a macro-industrial combustion, the overall process of a full reflection of the direct observation of the control of combustion objects. The temperature and temperature distribution can be obtained by analyzing, processing and calculating the image information of the luminous flames, so as to obtain other characteristics reflecting the combustion state.