Special Issue: Impacts of China's Accession to the WTO on Its Economy

来源 :Social Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sinbala
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The main themes of the Chineseeconomy since the 1980s have beeninstitutional reform, structura readjustmentof industry, and resulting economic growth.With China’s accession to the WTO thegovernment will not change the generaldirection of economic development in thenew century. China will instead go on withinstitutional reform and structuralreadjustment and try to maintain a high rateof economic growth along a clearer directionand in accordance with a tighter schedule.As China develops its economy in a newinstitutional environment, it will be of The main theme of the Chinese economy since the 1980s have beeninstitutional reform, structura readjustmentof industry, and resulting economic growth .With China’s accession to the WTO thegovernment will not change the generaldirection of economic development in thenew century. China will instead go on withinstitutional reform and structural readjustment and try to maintain a high rate of economic growth along a clearer directionand in accordance with a tighter schedule.As China extends its economy in a newinstitutional environment, it will be of
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就当前体育市场亟待解决的前沿性问题和制约因素 ,对广西体育走向市场现状、问题及对策进行探讨 ,得出结论 :体育中介市场是体育产业重要的中介载体 ,具有巨大的市场潜力 ,发
摘 要:高中阶段的教学不仅仅是为了高考,还要帮助学生树立良好的情感,加强对他们语文思维的培养。这样,才能让学生们在学习语文的过程中收获更多,才能真正地实现素质化教育。  关键词:创新思维;辩证思维;发散思维  中图分类号:G633.33文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)08-019-1  教师受长期应试教学观念的影响,缺乏对学生思维能力的足够重视。不论是在讲解课文还是讲解习题
1 前 言轧钢技术人员正致力于高薄板的质量 (良好的板形和表面光洁度 )、尤其是最薄厚度的质量的研究。实现上述目标需采用改善辊缝的技术 ,如高凸度轧机 (HC轧机 )和连续可
平    公正性是管理的最大法宝,也是民主管理的取胜之招,更是营造和谐环境的前提条件。没有公正,就没有真正的领导。校长脑海里的第一个理念应该是公正性,本着公平、公正、公开的原则开展工作,让每位教师都有施展才华的机会。现在提倡的“阳光操作”,实行的“阳光工程”,都是时代的必然要求。暗箱操作只会带来管理的混乱,教育工作的被动,甚至带来搞好关系大于搞业务的坏风气。校长评估教师要看工作,看实绩,要看到每个