在器乐教学中,有些学生自然条件很好,乐感也较好,训练也很正规,不论平时练的乐曲还是练习曲都较完整,但一到考试或汇报演出,就会紧张失常;有的学生可能平时并不突出,但到考试都很稳,发挥得也较好;有的学生演奏稍有干扰,心理就感到很紧张不知所措,在技术方面往往也不如台下那么流畅,甚至“抛锚”,停顿和漏弹一整段。这就是我们通常所讲的心理素质。要培养学生的心理素质应从哪些方面着手呢? 一、培养学生要有强烈的演奏欲望
In the instrumental music teaching, some students have good natural conditions, a good sense of music and regular training. No matter whether the music or the practice music is usually complete, it will be tense and abnormal when it comes to examinations or report performances; Students may not be prominent at ordinary times, but they are very stable in the examinations and play well. Some students play a little interference, they feel very nervous and do not know what to do, and they are often less fluent in technology than they are in the audience. Anchored, paused and missed a full section. This is the mental quality we usually talk about. What aspects should be cultivated to train students’ psychological quality? First, train students to have a strong desire to play.