1 病例报告 患者,男,21岁。陕西籍,健康体检时发现左上颌侧切牙和尖牙之间的唇侧龈乳头处有一多生小牙,其牙冠约为米粒的1/2,呈锥形,小牙处粘膜正常。全口其它牙齿,牙列及牙间隙正常。自述于11岁时发现该处长一小牙。既往乳恒牙替换正常。家庭中无类似小牙家族史。在局麻下用牙龈分离器直接剥离出该多生小牙,小牙根深至骨膜下及牙槽骨皮质浅层。离体牙全长3.8mm,直径最小处(牙颈部)为1.5mm,牙
1 case report patient, male, 21 years old. Shaanxi nationality, physical examination found that the left maxillary incisors and canines between the labial gingival papilla at a multi-birth small teeth, the crown is about 1/2 of the rice, was tapered, small teeth mucosa at normal. All other mouth teeth, dentition and teeth gap normal. Readme At 11 years old, the Director found a small tooth. Previous permanent replacement of permanent teeth. No similar family history of small teeth family history. Under local anesthesia with a gum separator directly stripped of the multi-generation of small teeth, small teeth deep root to the periosteum and alveolar cortical shallow. Isolated teeth full-length 3.8mm, the smallest diameter (cervical) 1.5mm, teeth