环宇集团总公司 化科技优势为市场优势 产品远销海外

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该公司开创我国生物功能糖源和啤酒双歧因子糖浆的先河,闯出了一条改革、创新、发展高新技术产业化的开拓之路。去年实现销售收入3.2亿元,出口创汇100多万美元,实现利税4180万元。一、依靠科技开发营养型糖源该公司去年对5家国企公司进行了重组与合并,实行了股份制,通过大胆改革成为省重点发展的高新技术企业,该公司始终坚持“科技领先市场,品质追求卓越”的企业宗旨,与中科院联合科技攻关,经过3年的努力,研制开发出 I-MO900低聚糖生物糖源,在国内首先实现工业化生产,达到了国际先进水平。它的研制成功,标志着我国新型生物功能性糖源的又一次革命。该公司努力把科技优势转化为产品 The company pioneered the pioneering path of reform, innovation, and development of high-tech industrialization by pioneering China’s bio-functional sugar source and beer bifidogenic factor syrup. Last year, it achieved sales revenue of 320 million yuan, earned more than 1 million US dollars in exports, and realized profits of 41.8 million yuan. 1. Relying on science and technology to develop nutritive sugar sources The company reorganized and merged five state-owned companies last year and implemented a joint-stock system. Through bold reforms, it has become a key high-tech enterprise in the province. The company has always adhered to the principle of “technology leading the market and quality. Pursuing the mission of ”pursuit of excellence" and the joint scientific and technological research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, after three years of hard work, the company developed the I-MO900 oligosaccharide bio-sugar source, which was the first to achieve industrial production in China and reached the international advanced level. Its successful development marks another revolution in China’s new bio-functional sugar source. The company strives to turn its scientific and technological advantages into products
(1)湖北省宣恩洞坪水电站工程获国家批准(2 )浙江嘉兴电厂二期扩建工程列入 2 0 0 2年电建大中型新开工项目计划请示上报国家计委(3)平班水电站工程可研报告上报国家计委(4)
项目名称建设性质建设规模建设起止年限 总投资/万元2 0 0 2年计划投资 /万元主要建设内容大同至房山双回 50 0kV线路加装串联补偿 技改 补偿容量2× 37.2kVA 2 0 0 2~ 2 0 0 2 1 0
20 0 2年 3月 2 2日 ,深圳市飞奔网络技术有限公司借 CCBN2 0 0 2展览会之机 ,在北京国际展览中心举行新闻发布会宣告成立。飞奔网络技术有限公司是以深圳市飞通光电股份有限
2001年广东省造纸产品送检检测合格企业$国家轻工业纸张质量检测广州站 Guangdong Paper Product Inspection & Testing Qualified Enterprise 2001 National Light Industr
2002年7月,巴基斯坦水电发展署就8台500kV 变压器采购项目分两个包进行了公开招标,有3家企业按照外经贸部和中国机电商会的有关规定向中国机电商会进行了申报。在征求我驻巴