水土流失造成生态环境恶化,水旱灾害频繁,人类赖以生存的土地日渐贫瘠,土地沙化,肥力减退,严重制约着区域经济发展。据调查,该区域内水土流失造成失去耕作价值的耕地有20 hm2,并且,水土流失严重危及流域内群众的生命财产安全和交通安全。据不完全统计,项目区内因水土流失毁坏民房22间,死亡6人,造成312国道堵塞12处。因此,该区域迫切需要搞好水土保持,根治水土流失,改善生态环境。
Soil and water loss has caused the deterioration of the ecological environment, floods and droughts have been frequent, and the land on which mankind lives has become increasingly barren. Land desertification and fertility decline have severely restricted the development of regional economy. According to the survey, 20 hm2 of cultivated land has been lost due to soil erosion in the area, and soil erosion has seriously endangered people’s lives, property and traffic safety. According to incomplete statistics, 22 civil houses were destroyed due to water and soil loss in the project area, causing 6 deaths, resulting in 12 blockages of 312 State Roads. Therefore, the region urgently needs to do a good job of soil and water conservation, cure soil and water loss and improve the ecological environment.