
来源 :中国地质科学院地质研究所文集 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caipeng1999
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保山地块位于云南西部,界于怒江与澜沧江之间,为掸邦地块之北延部分。近些年来, 根据藏北林周一带及藏东滇西腾冲保山地区石炭纪冰海沉积及冈瓦纳生物群的发现,而将其划为冈瓦纳大陆的一部分。笔者为了证实这一沦断,在云南区测队彭兴阶、王绍华的协助下,采集了保山地区上石炭统、下二叠统及中三叠统古地磁样品。但由于沉积岩风化破碎厉害,因此,我们只选择其中上石炭统卧牛寺剖面中的五层玄武岩进行了古地磁研究,其结果表明,保山地块晚石灰世时位于南纬34.1°,说明保山地块是属于冈瓦纳大陆的一部分。 The Baoshan block is located in the western part of Yunnan Province, between the Nu River and the Lancang River, and is the northern extension of Shan State’s block. In recent years, it has been classified as a part of the Gondwanaland based on the discovery of the Carboniferous ice sea deposits and the Gondwana biota in the belt of the Northern Tibet during the zone of Zhoubei and Tengchong, Tengchong, western Yunnan. In order to confirm this fall, the author collected the samples of the Upper Carboniferous, the Lower Permian and the Middle Triassic paleomagnetic samples in the Baoshan area with the help of the Pengxing stage and Wang Shaohua of the survey team in Yunnan Province. However, due to the weathering and crushing of sedimentary rocks, we selected only five layers of basalt in the Upper Carboniferous Section of Beidou Temple in Upper Carboniferous for paleomagnetic study. The results show that the Baoshan block was located at 34.1 ° S The plot is part of the Gondwanaland.
“纳赤台群”系指青藏线格尔木至昆仑山口间的一套浅变质的地层,1959年由青海省地质局石油普查大队命名,时代统以 Pz_(1+2)表示之。1972年青海省地质局区测队,在温泉幅(1/100
纪晓岚故居前“纪大烟袋”的雕像。  珠市口大街241号晋阳饭庄旁,有一座独特的建筑,其古色古香的风格看似与城市的现代气息大相径庭,如若不是门口那一座纪大烟袋的塑像以及牌匾上的几个大字,也许无人想到,这里曾是清代大学士纪晓岚的故居。  穿越古今:古老紫藤 残缺纪府  故居朱红色的大门,掩映在一片茂盛的紫藤中。据伫立在旁的石碑记载,这株紫藤是清乾隆年间翰林院侍读大学士礼部尚书纪昀(字晓岚)亲手栽种,至