
来源 :空中交通管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:herojian
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一、系统产生背景当前,民航气象部门除了向飞行机组人员直接提供各种天气预告图外,根据国际民航组织的要求,还需提供起飞、降落和备降机场的预报、实况、特选、重要天气情报等各种气象情报。如何将上述各项情报综合起来,结合天气预告图,以较直观的形式提供给机组,使得飞行气象文件规范化,成为民航气象台对外服务工作中一个工作正规化的问题。目前,民航广州气象中心预报室象国内大多数台站一样,仍是简单地将上述部分气象情报附在预告图上,提供给机组。这种服务方式,一方面, I. System Background At present, in addition to providing various weather forecast plans directly to flight crews, ICAO Meteorological Department also needs to provide forecasts of the takeoff, landing and standby airports according to the requirements of ICAO. The actual situation, special election, and important Weather information and other weather information. How to combine the aforesaid information together with the weather forecast map and provide it to the flight crew in a more intuitive form so as to standardize the flight meteorological documents has become a matter of work regularization in the service work of Civil Aviation Meteorological Station. At present, the forecast room of the Guangzhou Meteorological Center of a Civil Aviation is just like most of the domestic stations. It is still simple to attach some of these weather information to a preview map and provide it to the crew. This service, on the one hand,
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7月22日,富士胶片在秋季新品发布会上发布9款全新数码相机:结合了Super CCD EXR和多帧技术的第一款紧凑型长焦数码相机F75EXR、S20SEXR、全球首套全面的3D数码影像系统等。
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