
来源 :社会福利(理论版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:newyidiyu
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随着现代化、城市化进程的加快,我国各群体正处于利益格局调整阶段,社会问题数量不断增多。传统信访工作遵循自上而下为主的工作逻辑,依靠思想政治教育、行政管理等主要工作手段,已经不能适应当前中国社会的发展。通过对上海市社工介入民政信访工作和陕西省“三官一律”进社区工作进行调研,文章分析了社会工作介入民政信访领域的专业优势及干预策略,探索了“三官一律”进社区的方式和成效。同时,文章剖析了黑龙江省民政信访工作的特点及社工介入信访领域的可能性,并提出了“培训现有工作人员”“政府购买社工岗位”“政府购买社工服务”等三条社工介入民政信访工作的路径。 With the acceleration of modernization and urbanization, all groups in our country are in the phase of adjustment of interests and the number of social issues is constantly increasing. The traditional letters and visits follow the top-down work logic, relying on the ideological and political education, administrative management and other major means of work can no longer meet the current development of Chinese society. By investigating the involvement of Shanghai social workers in the petitions and letters of the government and the work of “three officials and one officer” in Shaanxi Province, this article analyzes the professional advantages and intervention strategies of social work in the petition letters and visits, Into the community and the effectiveness of the way. At the same time, the article analyzes the characteristics of Heilongjiang province civil petition work and the possibility of social workers intervening in the field of letters and visits, and puts forward such proposals as “training existing staff”, “government purchasing social worker post”, “government purchasing social worker service” and so on. The Way Three Social Workers Engage in the Work of Letters and Visits at Home Affairs.
为建立我国汽车自动紧急制动系统(autonomous emergency braking system,AEBS)的测试及评价方法,根据我国交通事故类型、伤亡人数及财产损失等道路交通事故基本数据,提出了适合
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