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近期在巨人公司2015员工大会上,已经隐退多年的史玉柱谈到了战略,它将巨人网络的战略归结到“精品”二字,并引用了马云关于战略的内部讲话,要点就是马云规范了公司内部只有三个人可以谈战略,其余都得专注执行。战略究竟是个什么东东?二位大咖又是如何审视战略的?假如你听过或读过史玉柱的完整发言,应该不会错过他在讲话中强调了对研发人员的重视。以端到端的完整产业链看,研发是一个产品的起始点,假如巨人网络的战略是“精 Recently, at Giant’s 2015 Employee General Meeting, Shi Yuzhu, who has been retiring for many years, talked about the strategy. It laid down the strategy of the giant network to the word ”boutique“ and quoted Jack Ma’s internal speech on strategy. The point was that Jack Ma standardized Only three people within the company can talk about strategy, the rest have to focus on the implementation. What is the strategy? What is the strategy of two big cafes? If you have heard or read Shi Yuzhu’s full speech, he should not miss his emphasis on R & D personnel in his speech. To end-to-end full industrial chain, R & D is the starting point of a product, if the strategy of the giant network is ”fine