鲁迅文学精神是跨越时代的精神, 在当代作家的写作中仍然得到了体现, 给当代作家留下了广阔的追寻与反思的空间。在当代, 写作不应是奢侈的游戏, 应在直面社会现实、追寻人生价值中定位, 应具有启蒙意识、忧患意识和现实感
Lu Xun’s literary spirit is the spirit that spans the times and is still reflected in the writing of contemporary writers, leaving a vast space for the contemporary writers to pursue and reflect. In the contemporary era, writing should not be a luxury game. It should be positioned in the face of social reality and the pursuit of the value of life. It should have enlightenment awareness, sense of urgency and reality