1981年以来,巴音郭楞州个别县和农二师个别团各果园以至庭院果树,发生一种形态特征、生物学特性与李始叶螨、土耳其斯坦叶螨、果苔螨和红新须螨有明显差异的植食性害螨,经鉴定确认为山楂叶螨Tetrany-chus viennensis.据调查,此螨主要为害苹果、梨、李、杏、葡萄和杜梨等果树,也为害玉米、豆类、茄子、花卉等多种植物.它以交尾后的雌成螨在果树枝干老皮和枯枝落叶下及土缝中越冬.越冬螨鲜红色,夏型成、若螨体色深红,卵为红色.果树生长季节里,成、若
Since 1981, some morphological and biological characteristics of individual orchards in the Bayingulun prefecture, individual orchards in the Guerren prefecture, and individual fruit orchards in the courtyard have occurred. Their biological characteristics are different from those of the leafless spider mites, spider mites, moss and red mustards Tetranychus viennensis has been identified as Tetranychus viennensis which is obviously different from mites and has been identified as the fruit tree of apples, pears, plums, apricots, grapes and pears, as well as maize, beans , Eggplant, flowers and other plants.It takes the adult female mites after mating as winter winters and litters in the fruit tree branches and soil seams in the wintering.The overwintering mites bright red, summer type, if the mite body color crimson, The egg is red. The fruit trees grow season, if, if