集锦:钱卫清,1959年生,现为北京市德恒律师事务所高级合伙人、诉讼部主任。1985年华东政法大学法律专业毕业,1988年考取律师资格,1997年厦门大学在职研究生国际经济法专业毕业。国家法官学院经济法专业首届学员,中国高级法官培训中心首批专家型学员。 1977年至1992年先后任江西省婺源县人民法院法官,上饶市人民法院审判员、办公室副主任、庭长、副院长;1992年至1998年曾任江西省高级人民法院民庭及经济庭正处级审判员、副庭长,其中1995年至1998年期间在最高人民法院经济庭工作交流,多次
Highlights: Qian Weiching, born in 1959, is now a senior partner at Beijing Deheng Law Office and director of Litigation Department. Graduated from East China University of Political Science and Law in 1985 with a major in law, admitted as a lawyer in 1988, graduated from Xiamen University in 1997 as a graduate student in international economic law. The first member of the National Judges College of Economic Law and the first batch of expert trainees in the China Senior Judges Training Center. From 1977 to 1992, he successively served as Judge of Wuyuan County People’s Court of Jiangxi Province, Judge of Shangrao City People’s Court, Deputy Director, President and Vice President of the Office of the People’s Court of Jiangxi Province. From 1992 to 1998, he was a member of the court and economic court of Jiangxi Higher People’s Court At the level of judges, vice president, of which 1995 to 1998 period in the Supreme People’s Court economic exchange of work, many times