1999年11月,中国科学院新增选了55名院士,其中,生物学部院士、华中农业大学生命科学技术学院院长,年仅45岁的张启发教授当选为我国最年轻的院士之一。 1953年12月,张启发出生在长江之畔的湖北省公安县。他1976年从华中农学院(现为华中农业大学)毕业后留校任教,后又以优异成绩考取
In November 1999, a total of 55 academicians were newly selected by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Among them, Academician of the Department of Biology and Dean of School of Life Science and Technology of Huazhong Agricultural University, Professor Zhang Qifa, 45, was elected as one of the youngest academicians in China. In December 1953, Zhang Qifa was born in Gong’an County, Hubei Province, on the bank of the Yangtze River. He graduated from Huazhong Agricultural College (now Huazhong Agricultural University) after graduation in 1976 to teach, and later with excellent results to obtain