抗核宁胶囊是用于治疗结核的中药民间复方制剂 ,它由马鹿角、瓜蒌、远志、白及、川贝等多味中药组成。东北民间将该制剂用于治疗肺结核、淋巴结核、肾结核、骨结核、附睾结核以及结核性胸膜炎等各种结核病 ,疗效甚佳 ,但尚未见有关抗结核作用的实验研究报道。因此 ,我们对抗核?
The anti-nuclear capsule is a folk compound preparation for the treatment of tuberculosis. It is composed of many traditional Chinese medicines such as red deer antlers, melon aphid, Polygala tenuifolia, white alum, and fritillary. The northeast folk used this preparation to treat various tuberculosis such as tuberculosis, lymphatic tuberculosis, renal tuberculosis, bone tuberculosis, epididymal tuberculosis and tuberculous pleurisy. The efficacy was very good, but no experimental studies on the antituberculosis effect have been reported. So, we fight nuclear?