固相微萃取(SPME) 是在固相萃取(SPE) 的基础上结合顶空分析(Headspace) 建立起来的一种新的样品预处理方法,它于1990 年J.Pawliszyn 首先提出,因其携带方便、操作简便、测定快速、高效的特点,且是一种无溶剂的样品预处理方法,故在短短几年时间,广泛应用于各个研究领域,如环境( 包括水样、土壤、空气) 以及食品、药物、毒理学等的分析研究。本文根据所查阅到的文献,对目前国际上固相微萃取法的应用发展及其研究情况作一概述,并就该方法今后的可能发展方向进行初步的探讨(60 ,146 ,153) !
Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) is a new method of sample pretreatment based on solid-phase extraction (SPE) combined with Headspace. Pawliszyn first proposed that it is a solvent-free sample preparation method that is easy to carry, easy to operate, fast and efficient, and has been used in a wide range of research fields in just a few years, including the environment (including Water samples, soil, air) and food, medicine, toxicology and other analysis. Based on the literature reviewed, this article summarizes the current application of solid-phase microextraction and its research situation in the world, and makes a tentative discussion on the possible future directions of this method (60, 146, 153).