Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) with reduction process was used to fabricate TiB2 powder from TiO2-B2O3-Mg system. The colloidal alumina-bonded TiB2 paste was prepared and coated on the cathode carbonblocks. Various properties of the baked paste such as the corrosive resistance, thermal expansion and wettability were tested. Experimental results showed that the colloidal alumina-bonded TiB2 coating could be well wetted by liquid alum inum; and the thermal expansion coefficient of the coated material was 5.8× 10 6 ℃ -1 at 20-1000℃, which was close to that of the traditional anthracite block cathode (4× 10 6 ℃ 1); the electrical resistivity was 8 μΩ·m at 900℃ when the con tent of alumina in the coated material was about 9% in mass fraction. In addition, some other good results such as sodium resistance were also reported.