The 31st International Conference of IUPAC Conferences was organized by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and was held at the National Palace of Culture in Sofia from July 13 to 18, 1987. In addition to the General Assembly report were divided into 9 groups, analytical chemistry is the first group. The content of the essay can be divided into theoretical progress and special issues including environmental analysis, microanalysis, trace analysis, biotechnology, medicine and drug penetration. Special reports include: “Photometric Extraction for the Determination of Antibiotics”, “Instrument Design, Fabrication of Ultramicro Electrode and Its Use in Voltammetric Analysis”, “Time Response in Neutral Carrier Sensors - Impedance and Migration ”,“ Voltammetric Curves as a Source of Information for Analysis, ”“ Chemometric Reagents - Increasing the Sensitivity and Selectivity of Detection in High Performance Liquid Chromatography ”,“ Electroanalysis of Electrode Reactions in Mixed Solvents ”,"hair