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70年代以来,在苏、浙、上海等省市新发现的良渚文化墓地中,出土了大批随葬玉制品,揭示了我国东南区存在着一个“以玉为兵”的玉器时代。东汉人袁康在《越绝书》中所表达的一种卓越见解①,得到考古出土文物的证实。公元前3000年间,我国南北方存在着琢玉、制玉中心,分别有自己的工艺传统和特色,良渚文化②、红山文化③就是当时的南北方玉器中心。一、“以玉为葬,以玉为祭”的埋葬习俗玉琮和玉璧是周礼中“六玉”的两种④,大概在战国时代,儒家对古玉解释的模式化过程中,把曾经是多功能的礼玉实物搭配到各种制度化的礼仪用途之上。因此《周礼·大宗 Since the 1970s, a large number of burial jade articles have been unearthed in newly discovered Liangzhu cultural cemetery in the provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, revealing the existence of a jade era in which there is a “jade as a soldier” in the southeast region of China. Yuan Kang in the Eastern Han Dynasty, “the more absolutely no book,” expressed an excellent view of ①, confirmed by archaeological unearthed relics. In 3000 BC, there are jade carving and jade carving centers in the north and south of our country, which have their own craft traditions and characteristics respectively. The Hongshan Culture ③ was the center of north and south jade ware at that time. First, “burial jade, jade sacrifice ” burial customs Jade and Jade Bi is Zhou Li “jade ” of two kinds of ④, probably in the Warring States Period, the Confucian interpretation of the jade pattern of the process In the past, the jade jade once used to be versatile was paired with a variety of institutionalized ceremonial uses. Therefore, "Zhou big