Cryptorchidism refers to the testis in the fetus failed to follow normal development from the waist retroperitoneal descending, resulting in one or both sides of the testicles failed to normal fall to the ipsilateral scrotum, also known as testicular descent, is the most common pediatric men One of the congenital diseases of the reproductive system. The incidence of cryptorchidism in full-term newborns is about 2% to 4% ~ ([1]), male infertility and testicular cancer is an important risk factor. Testicles usually decline from the 28th week of pregnancy, the majority of cryptorchidism is generally found at birth or early in infancy. Clinically different phenotypes of cryptorchidism: abdominal type, inguinal canal type, high cryptorchidism of the scrotum, ectopic cryptorchidism. Gonads are located in the perirenal area, dorsolateral and ventral before differentiation