唐诗花园——跟着唐诗去赏花 连载三:竹篇

来源 :南方农业(园林花卉版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:6ri
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花韵修竹凌云自古以来,国人把竹和梅、兰、菊并称为“花中四君子”,又把竹和松、梅同列为“岁寒三友”,可见竹在炎黄子孙的心目中地位非同一般。想 Since ancient times, people call the bamboo and plum, orchid and chrysanthemum and call it “the four gentlemen in the flower”, again put bamboo and pine, plum together as “winter and three friends”, we can see bamboo in the hearts of the descendants Not unusual. miss you