对大量吸烟后冠脉痉挛引起心肌梗死1例分析如下。1病历摘要男,28岁。大量吸烟史10 a余,无其他冠心病易患因素。主因突发胸痛5 h入院。查体:BP 114/57 mm Hg,颈静脉无充盈,口唇无发绀,双肺呼吸音清,双肺底未闻及明显干湿性啰音,叩心界不大,HR76次/min,律齐,心音有力,各瓣膜听诊区
A large number of smoking after coronary spasm caused by myocardial infarction in 1 case analyzed as follows. 1 medical record summary male, 28 years old. A large number of smoking more than 10 a, no other risk factors for coronary heart disease. The main cause of sudden chest pain 5 h admission. Physical examination: BP 114/57 mm Hg, no jugular vein filling, no cyanosis of the lips, clear breath of both lungs, unobstructed double bottom lung and obvious dry-wet rales, small heart beat, HR76 beats / min, law Qi, powerful heart sounds, the valve auscultation area