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桃褐腐病又称桃菌核病、桃灰腐病和果腐病,广泛分布于各桃产区,是桃的重要病害之一,对果实危害最重,发病后不仅在果园中相互传染为害,引起大量烂果、落果,而且在贮运期中亦可继续传染发病,造成巨大损失。发病原因:引发桃褐腐病的病原为子囊菌亚门真菌链核盘菌和核果链核盘菌。无色、单胞的链核盘菌分生孢子呈柠檬形或卵圆形(图1),在梗端连续成串生长,其较短的分生孢 Peach brown rot, also known as peach sclerotiorum, peach rot and fruit rot, is widely distributed in various peach producing areas, is one of the important peach diseases, the most harmful to the fruit, not only in the orchard after the onset of mutual infection Damage, causing a lot of rotten fruit, fruit drop, but also in the storage period can continue to transmit the disease, resulting in huge losses. The cause of the disease: the pathogen causing peach brown rot Ascomycetes Stenotrophomonas amnionus and Nodular streptococcus. The colorless, univalent Streptomyces larvae conidia are lemon-shaped or ovoid (Figure 1) and grow in series at the stem end with short conidia
摘 要: 本文从情感教学的意义入手,利用教学中的情感实践来阐明,情感教学在公共英语教学中的应用将有利于高职院校展开公共英语的教学,并能更好地实现教学目标和完成教学任务。  关键词: 情感教学 高职公共英语教学 应用    在高职院校中公共英语是非英语专业学生的必修课,如何有效地进行英语教学一直是公共英语任课教师所追求的目标。  目前在英语教学中,直接法、听说法、翻译法、认知法等传统教学法占据着主导