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  It’s every nation’s dream come true. Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics, and its game face will astonish the world. China’s capital is about to get history’s ultimate urban makeover, a 1)mind-blowing vision, stretching the limits of what architects and engineers can dream and do.
  In 2002, Swiss architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron faced one of the toughest challenges of their careers—winning the contract to design the centerpiece of the Beijing Games, the Olympic stadium. As dozens of competitors brainstormed rival designs, Herzog and de Meuron rolled the dice. They teamed up with Ai Weiwei, one of the new China’s most controversial artists, and a dedicated 2)couch potato. Maybe that’s why the unlikely 3)collaboration produces a stadium design like no other.
  A jaw-dropping tangle of twisting steel; only one name could describe this incredible design—the Bird’s Nest. 4)ARUP’s plan will artfully interweave three separate layers of steel beams to create a bird’s nest illusion. One set of beams will encircle the stadium, supporting its twisting mass. A second set of beams will fill in the gaps between the first set. And a third will support the stairways.
  But making order look like chaos will be only a part of ARUP’s workday. Beijing lies on some of the world’s deadliest 5)earthquake faults. In 1976, a massive quake killed 250,000 people just 85 miles or 130 kilometers from where the Bird’s Nest will soon dominate the Olympic skyline. During the games, tons of twisted steel will loom over 90,000 spectators. To keep the Bird’s Nest from collapsing in an earthquake, engineers plan to separate its beams from the stadium bowl underneath. But with so many lives 6)at stake, the engineering team builds in even more 7)seismic protection. They divide up the bowl itself into independent sections. If an earthquake strikes, its deadly energy will 8)rattle each section, but won’t shatter the stadium.
  But Mother Nature isn’t the only mighty force the stadium’s engineers must design for. One of the most important requirements is that everyone who buys an Olympic ticket can actually see the events. ARUP will have to ensure it builds all 90,000 stadium seats with clear lines of sight for dozens of Olympic events. The solution: using specially designed computer software. Engineers will analyze 90,000 lines of sight in a virtual and inexpensive world.
  But other parts of the Bird’s Nest will have to be built the old-fashioned way, like installing a high-tech transparent 8)membrane to keep sound in and weather out. And for this structure, even such a routine task will be a lot harder than usual.
  In 2008, the world will turn its eyes on Beijing as the Olympic Games begin. And China hopes to lift the curtain on a gleaming world-class capital, filled with the most thrilling architecture on earth. Beijing’s Olympic makeover is an epic undertaking of 9)mind-boggling proportions, and a testament to a Chinese spirit determined to redefine the limits of the possible.
  2002年,瑞士建筑师雅 克·赫尔佐格和皮埃尔·德·梅隆面临着他们职业生涯中最艰难的挑战之一:赢得北京奥运会主场馆——奥林匹克运动场的设计合约。十多家竞争公司都带来了新颖的设计方案,于是赫尔佐格和德·梅隆不惜放手一博。他们与艾未未合作,他是新中国最受争议的艺术家之一,也是一名十足的“沙发土豆”。也许正是由于这种性情相异的组合才能设计出如此独一无二的体育馆。




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