妊娠疱疹(HG)对胎儿的潜在危险长期以来是一个争论的问题。有的认为可以增加胎儿病态和死亡率,有的在观察中却未见流产和死胎发生率增加;有的则认为由于潜在的胎盘缺陷,可影响出生体重,小于胎龄儿增多。由于本病罕见,估计发生率约为妊娠妇女中1/50 000。因此仅少数几篇含较多病例的研究提示了结果。本文回顾性研究分析了1978~1990年确诊为HG病人对胎儿危险性的影响,对出生体重与胎龄关系绘制成标准生长曲线。结果:在74例病人中,共254次妊娠,其中有
The potential risk to the fetus of herpes gestationis (HG) has long been a matter of debate. Some believe that it can increase fetal morbidity and mortality, while others have observed no increase in the incidence of miscarriage and stillbirth, while others think that due to potential placental defects, birth weight can be affected, and less than gestational age children increased. Due to the rare condition, the estimated prevalence is about 1/50 000 in pregnant women. Therefore, only a few studies with more cases suggest the results. This paper retrospectively analyzed and analyzed the influence of HG patients diagnosed as fetal risk from 1978 to 1990, and plotted the relationship between birth weight and gestational age as the standard growth curve. Results: Of the 74 patients, a total of 254 pregnancies were present