说起别墅,有一个不能不提的名字就是“龙湖”。也许可以这样理解,当企业的名字成为一个令人折服的品牌,它无论走到哪里,都能掀起热浪,拥趸者众。在10月份龙湖·滟澜海岸开盘的日子,项目开盘当天实现销售378套,销售金额13.3亿,销售面积近8万平方米!之前样板间开放有人曾这样形容:“9月2 3日下午2时开始,千余名嘉宾自驾车陆续赶到龙湖滟澜海岸园区,12万平方米的示范区人气鼎盛,争睹示范区全景。整齐的步道、蔓延的紫色花朵调和
Speaking of villas, there is a name that can not be mentioned is ”Longhu “. Perhaps this understanding, when the company’s name became a compelling brand, no matter where it went, can set off heat waves, fans who crowd. On the opening day of the Longhu · Lanlan coast in October, the project opened 378 sets of sales on the opening day with a sales volume of 1.33 billion and a sales area of nearly 80,000 square meters. Before the opening of the model room, it was described as ”September 23 afternoon At 2 o’clock, more than a thousand guests rushed to the Lanhu Coastal Lantern Park one after another by car, and the demonstration area of 120,000 square meters was popular and witnessed the panoramic view of the demonstration area. Neat trails and the spread of purple flowers reconciled