看过那么多次举重比赛,还真没见过像希腊雅典那么火爆的。 高悬“第70届男子第13届女子世界举重锦标赛”大字横幅的“和平友谊”体育馆,售票口是一条一眼望不到头的长龙,许多时候,近万个座席硬是一个不剩,连走廊过道都挤得水泄不通。运动员上场时体育馆上空回荡着的那鼓点般的音乐,试举后全场山呼海啸般的鼓掌与欢呼,让每一个在场者都感到提气与硬气。 一次赛会,荟萃91个参赛国(协会),700多名男女选手,这在世界举重锦标赛的历史上无疑是个奇迹。虽说希腊这个文明古国格外崇尚力量美,但举重比赛如此火爆,无需讳言,还是“奥运杠杆”起了决定作用——从2000年奥运会
Have seen so many weightlifting competition, really never seen as hot as Athens, Greece. Hanging “70th Men’s Thirteenth World Women’s Weightlifting Championship” banner of the “Peace and Friendship” stadium, the ticket gate is a glimpse into the long queue, many times, nearly ten thousand seats is a hard left, even the corridor aisle Are packed packed. Athletes playing the stadium echoed the drum-like music, after the trial, the audience Shan Shao tsunami-like applause and cheers, so that everyone present were raised Qi and hard gas. A tournament, a blend of 91 participating countries (associations), more than 700 male and female players, which in the history of the World Weightlifting Championship is undoubtedly a miracle. Although Greece, an ancient civilized country, especially advocates power and beauty, the weightlifting competition is so hot that there is no need to deny that the “Olympic leverage” played a decisive role - from the 2000 Olympic Games