在竞争日趋激烈的当今社会,超负荷的工作和生活压力已是一个不时困扰着人们的问题,威胁着人的生理、心理和精神健康。如何缓解压力?按摩桑拿(massages)?练习瑜伽术(yoga)?还是加入周末大逃亡(weekend geta-ways)?本文教你如何应付压力的几种方法。Plug In利用电子和生物反馈技术(biofeedback)随时检查自己的压力状况;Take a Deep Breath深呼吸这种缓解紧张情绪的方法虽然古老却是最迅速有效的压力减轻法;Get Snacking吃吃小点心好像是许多女孩子减轻烦恼的方法,可是切记哦,少吃高脂肪的食品;StepBack退一步想想,眼前的烦恼和各种大灾难相比,我们算是很幸运的了,正如中国俗语所说:“退一步海阔天空。”
In today’s increasingly competitive world, the overload of work and life has become a problem that has plagued people from time to time, threatening people’s physical, mental, and mental health. How to relieve stress? Massages? Practice yoga? Or join the weekend getaway? Here are some ways to cope with stress. Plug In uses electronic and biofeedback technology to check their stress status at any time; Take a Deep Breath Deep breathing This method of relieving tension is old and yet the most effective and quick pressure relief method; Get Snacking seems like a snack Many girls are relieved of their troubles, but remember to eat less high-fat foods; StepBack takes a step back and thinks that we are fortunate in comparison with all kinds of catastrophes, as the Chinese saying goes: “ Take a step back.”