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赤眼蜂长效蜂卡(以下简称长卡)与现行蜂卡(以下简称普卡)的主要区别: 1.田间放蜂只需一次,而现行蜂卡则需放蜂3—4次。 2.在田间能保持每天分批出蜂,维持半月左右,而现行蜂卡是一批出蜂,仅维持1—2日。 3.能保温防雨,在田间较长时间发挥治虫作用,而现行蜂卡不能防雨,1、2日内即失效。 由于普卡本身存在的缺陷,往往在实际工作中,不易为广大贫下中农所掌握,以致延误防治害虫的有利时机,而造成防治效果不理想或失败。这样的事例并不少。为了解决这些矛盾和困难,我们试制成功一种长卡。 Trichogramma long-term bee card (hereinafter referred to as the long card) and the current bee card (hereinafter referred to as Puka) the main difference: 1. Bee put in the field only once, and the current bee card you need to put bee 3-4 times. 2. In the field can be kept in batches every day bees, for about half a month, and the current bee is a group of bees, only for 1-2 days. 3. To heat rain, a long time in the field to play a role in pest control, and the current bee card can not rain, 1, 2 days that is invalid. Due to the defects of Puka itself, it is not easy for the majority of poor peasants and middle peasants to grasp in actual work, which delays the favorable opportunity of prevention and control of pests and results in unsatisfactory or unsuccessful prevention and control. There are not many such examples. In order to solve these contradictions and difficulties, we successfully trial a long card.
金龟甲种类很多。为害情况大致可分:以幼虫(蛴螬)为害为主,如大黑金龟甲,幼虫为害麦类、玉米、大豆、花生、甘薯以及蔬菜、果树林木幼苗,在土中食害萌发的种子,咬 Many kin
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
目的 :测量新疆维吾尔族青年面部各项标志间距离 ,为修复全口义齿提供参考数据 ,同时也为体质人类学积累资料。方法 :测量 2 17名维吾尔族青年 (其中男 10 6名 ,女 111名 )面
与音乐结缘是在我7岁的时候,那时妈妈觉得我性格内向,过于安静。为了让我能够变得活泼开朗一些,妈妈希望我学习音乐,认为这样能经常蹦蹦跳跳的,从而改变我原来的性情。 My r
胡桃楸是我省珍贵的树种之一。山区、半山区均有分布,但几年来,有胡桃楸扃花虫[Ceatrolina depessk thorcia lealy]不少地方的胡桃楸纯林和天然次生林里的胡桃楸均遭到了危
3月28日,大型音乐舞蹈史诗《复兴之路》在国家大剧院完成了它自去年9月20日上演以来的第100场演出,以数千人的 On March 28, the grand rehearsal of the music and dance e