十一月七日晚,北京国际音乐 节音乐会进行到下半场,柴 可夫斯基的《E小调第五交响曲》作品46号第二乐章将近结尾,正在指挥演奏的著名指挥家、索尼公司董事会主席大贺典雄突发脑溢血,倒在指挥台上,被随后赶到的救护车紧急送往中日友好医院。截至记者发稿时,大贺先生仍在医院抢救。在组委会的协调下,中国爱乐乐团艺术总监余隆登台救场,全场观众积极文明配合,圆满完成了音乐会演出。这是
On the night of November 7, the Beijing International Music Festival Concert progressed to the second half. Tchaikovsky’s “Eighth Symphony No. 5”, ending with the second movement No.46, was directed by famous conductor, Sony Corporation Dahedixiong, chairman of the board of sudden stroke, fell to the podium, the ambulance was rushed to the emergency sent to China-Japan Friendship Hospital. As of press time, Mr. Dahe is still in hospital. Under the coordination of the Organizing Committee, Yu Long, artistic director of the China Philharmonic Orchestra, took the stage to save the scene and the entire audience actively cooperated with civilization and successfully completed the concerts. this is