为了响应党中央开发大西北的号召 ,根据农业部《关于开展2000年农村可再生能源技术西进交流活动的通知》 (农科教能〔2000〕18号 )要求 ,辽宁省农村能源办公室从全省抽调了11位农村能源实用技术专家 ,组成专家组于3月12日~6月14日赴西北地区陕西、甘肃、宁
In response to the CPC Central Committee’s call for the development of the Greater Northwest China, Liaoning Provincial Rural Energy Office, according to the Ministry of Agriculture’s “Notice on Carrying out the Westward Exchange of Rural Renewable Energy Technologies in 2000” (NO. 18, 2000) Pumped 11 practical experts in rural energy technology experts to form a group of experts on March 12 to June 14 went to the northwest region of Shaanxi, Gansu, Ning