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近几年,由于主客观方面的原因,一些新闻工作者在行使舆论监督这项神圣的权利时,有的竟吃上了新闻官司,有的还以败诉告终。过多的新闻官司,肯定会牵涉记者的大量精力,使其产生畏难情绪和心理压力,客观上也会冲淡舆论监督的效果,这样下去也不利于舆论监督工作的健康发展。所以,在舆论监督中,记者如何增强自我保护意识,尽量避免新闻纠纷的发生,就显得十分必要。既有所为,又有所不为,这就是我们每个新闻记者在实施舆论监督过程中减少侵权行为发生的法宝。 In recent years, due to the subjective and objective reasons, some journalists have actually eaten news lawsuits while others exercise their right to supervise this sacred right, and some have even ended the losing case. Excessive news lawsuits will surely involve a large amount of energy of journalists, causing them to feel fear of difficulties and psychological pressure. They will also objectively dilute the effect of public opinion supervision, which will not be conducive to the sound development of media supervision. Therefore, it is very necessary for journalists to enhance their awareness of self-protection and try their best to avoid the occurrence of news disputes in the media supervision. What we did and what we did not did was a magic weapon for every journalist in reducing infringement in the process of implementing public opinion supervision.
目的:  1.研究Myocardin诱导的子宫平滑肌细胞分化标志基因的表达;  2.研究 ERα促进子宫平滑肌细胞的增值作用;  3.研究 ERα所抑制的 myocardin诱导的子宫平滑肌细胞分
提出了一种新型光纤光栅中心波长与带宽独立调谐方法。将光纤光栅沿圆柱形弹性梁的轴向成一定角度粘贴于侧面 ,通过改变梁的扭转角与侧向位移 ,实现了光纤布拉格光栅中心波长