In the past decade, the emergence of a series of large-scale corporate scandals and failures has made corporate governance and internal control a highly regarded business issue in the early 21st century. These failures led to a strong demand for strengthening corporate governance, risk management and internal controls. Governments and legislatures, regulators and standards-setting bodies are under increasing pressure to start taking steps to help stop similar situations in the future. New legislation, new standards, new guidelines and new guidelines are also promulgated to help companies improve their corporate governance.Although these standards and guidelines come from different sources, there is a common core that good corporate governance essentially requires an effective internal Control System. In August 2006, the “Internal Control - Review and Evaluation of Today’s Development” report completed by the Professional Accountants Board of Commerce (PAIB) under the Institute of International Accountants conducted a comprehensive review of the evolution and recent developments in internal control worldwide And concluded. The report reviews the recent developments in the field of internal control and some of the latest trends in thought. The main contents of this report are briefly introduced for your reference.