为配合国家《强制性产品认证管理规定》的实施 ,轮胎气门嘴芯要实施安全认证。在《第一批实施强制性产品认证的产品目录》中 ,轿车轮胎、载重轮胎、摩托车轮胎被列为强制性认证产品 ,自2 0 0 2年 5月 1日起实施强制性认证 ,同时 ,要求对轮胎气门嘴芯实施安全认证。中国化工装备
In line with the state “compulsory product certification regulations,” the implementation of the tire valve core to implement safety certification. In “The First Product Catalog to Implement Mandatory Product Certification”, passenger car tires, truck tires and motorcycle tires are listed as compulsory certification products, which have been subject to compulsory certification since May 1, 2002, meanwhile , Requires the implementation of tire valve core safety certification. China Chemical Equipment