
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linlin1688
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Colonoscopy is often disturbed by poor patient tolerance; benzodiazepines or opiates are routinely used to overcome such problems, despite the possibility of undesired effects. Tramadol, an opiate analogue with potentially fewer side effects, has not been tested yet to this end. The aim of the study was therefore to evaluate the efficacy of tramadol as a premedication for the colonoscopic procedure. Fifty patients were randomly allocated to receive an i.v. infusion of 100 ml saline, with 100 mg tramadol or alone, before endoscopy. At the end of the procedure patients were asked to score the discomfort experienced and to give an exam evaluation. The endoscopist also analyzed his performance. Tramadol patients reported a pain score of 39 ±10 (mean ±SE), compared to 45 ±8 for the placebo group (P=0.25); the evaluation of endoscopy was also similar (tramadol, 66 ±12; placebo, 70 ±9; P=0.15). The endoscopist also reported a similar score (65 ±4 after tramadol; 69 ±4 after placebo; P=0.2). No significant sex or age related differences were detected. We conclude that tramadol, at least as a monotherapy, seems scarcely effective for controlling pain evoked by colonoscopy. Colonoscopy is often disturbed by poor patient tolerance; benzodiazepines or opiates are routinely used to overcome such problems, despite the possibility of undesired effects. Tramadol, an opiate analogue with potentially fewer side effects, has not been tested yet to this end. The aim of the study was therefore to evaluate the efficacy of tramadol as a premedication for the colonoscopic procedure. Fifty patients were randomly allocated to receive an iv infusion of 100 ml saline, with 100 mg tramadol or alone, before endoscopy. At the end of the procedure patients were asked to score the discomfort experienced and to give an exam evaluation. The endoscopist also analyzed his performance. Tramadol patients reported a pain score of 39 ± 10 (mean ± SE), compared to 45 ± 8 for the placebo group (P = 0.25 ); the evaluation of endoscopy was also similar (tramadol 66 ± 12; placebo, 70 ± 9; P = 0.15). The endoscopist also reported a similar score (65 ± 4 after tramadol; 69 ± 4 after placebo; P = 0.2). No significant sex or age related differences were detected. We conclude that tramadol, at least as a monotherapy, seems scarcely effective for controlling pain evoked by colonoscopy.
[摘要]电报是西方近代重要科技文明成果。清政府引入电报甚迟,然一经建设,即较为广泛、多样地用诸对外战争。此不仅成为晚清军事近代化的显要表征及重要促动力,也在一定范围内促进着晚清社会的变迁与转型。不过,清季电报建控的局限性亦甚显著,从而也在相当程度上制约着其影响力。  [关键词]电报建控,中外战争,军事近代化,社会转型,晚清  [中图分类号]K25  [文献标识码1A  [文章编号]0457-624
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