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随着税收征管的重点由数量的增加向质量提高的转变,税收征管质量与效率成为检验当前基层税务机关工作好坏的根本标准。从税收征管质量与效率的角度来讲,影响当前基层税务机关提高税收征管质量和效率的因素很多,根据目前我们工作的实际,在此提出一些粗浅的对策,以期提高当前基层税务机关在税收征管方面的质量和效率。 As the focus of tax collection and management changes from quantity to quality, the quality and efficiency of tax collection and management become the basic standard to test whether the tax authorities at the grassroots level work well or not. From the perspective of the quality and efficiency of tax collection and management, there are many factors that affect the current tax administration at the grass-roots level to improve the quality and efficiency of tax collection and management. According to the actual conditions of our work, we propose some superficial measures here in order to raise the current revenue- Aspects of quality and efficiency.