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在新一轮国企改革中,国有企业必须进一步强化风险意识,把加强法律管理摆到更加突出的位置,切实提高依法治企的能力和水平刚刚走过的2015年,对国企改革来说是具有不平凡意义的一年,如果说党的十八届三中全会开启了深化国企改革的大幕,2015年就是这一场重头戏的开启。这一年,逐步形成了关于深化国有企业改革的指导意见,形成了1+N的管理体系,即体现了国企改革的新高度,也标志着国企改革进入了新阶段。改革文件也明确了国企改革的目标,那就是进一步做强做优做大国 In the new round of state-owned enterprise reform, state-owned enterprises must further reinforce their awareness of risks, put more emphasis on strengthening legal management in a more prominent position and effectively enhance the ability and level of managing enterprises according to law just passed in 2015. This is the case for state-owned enterprise reform In the year of extraordinary significance, if the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee opens the curtain for deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises, 2015 will be the opening of this grand opening. This year, the guidance on deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises was gradually formed and a 1 + N management system was formed. This reflected the new height of the reform in state-owned enterprises and marked a new stage in the reform of state-owned enterprises. The reform document also clarified the goal of the reform of state-owned enterprises, that is, to further strengthen and enlarge the economy