中国人世已成定局。为此,本刊编辑部于2001年8月4日召开了“入世后的中国经济座谈会”。邀请谷书堂、熊性美等十多位经济学专家、学者就入世涉及的热点问题进行了讨论。 “入世后的中国经济座谈会”由本刊主编王海平教授主持。
China is a foregone conclusion. To this end, the editorial department of our magazine held the “China Economic Forum after Joining WTO” on August 4, 2001. Invited more than ten economics experts and scholars such as Gu Shutang and Xiong Xingmei to discuss the hot topics involved in joining the WTO. “China’s Economic Forum After Joining WTO” is presided over by Professor Wang Haiping, chief editor of this journal.